Embark on an enchanting journey into the dynamic world of The SizzleSwim lingerie and swimwear fashion show! Anticipate an extraordinary event on Saturday, July 20, 2024, right in the heart of Manhattan, New York, at the exquisite Holy Apostles Ballroom, located at 296 Ninth Avenue in Chelsea.
Immerse yourself in the latest summer trends as talented swimwear and lingerie designers take center stage. Witness a breathtaking display of creativity and artistry, where designers showcase awe-inspiring pieces crafted with heart and soul.
Holy Apostles Ballroom provides a graceful and enchanting backdrop for this captivating event. Mark your calendar for Saturday, July 20, 2024, and prepare to be dazzled by an unforgettable fashion experience. Join us in celebrating the innovation and elegance of swimwear and lingerie at The SizzleSwim fashion show.